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Other Services Offered by Natalya Austin

  • Clinical Supervision provided to social workers for restricted psycho-social intervention status for ACSW: $150 per hour
  • Clinical Supervision of Record for ACSW for approved social workers for clinical registry in Alberta: $200 per hour
  • External Supervision provided to internship students: $175 per hour
  • Good Practice Supervision provided to registered social workers and psychologists: $150 per hour
  • Good Practice General Consultation to registered social workers and psychologists: $80 per hour


Certifications and Training Completed by Natalya Austin

  • Clinical Supervision: Proven Tools and Techniques for Success
  • Clinical Social Work Supervision - provided by the Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary
  • Supervision Essentials for the Practice of Competency-Based Supervision


 Natalya Austin, Clinical Registry Number: 20821

Email or Book Now or call (403) 606-4809 Natalya Austin for a free 15 minute consultation.